Gate of Hades experience

iDoser is a program that uses binaural sounds to produce an effect similar to using certain drugs like LSD, marijuana and cocaine. It's supposed to be perfectly safe and it's 100% legal.
I wasn't really interested in those that simulate drugs but there's one that cough my attention. It's called Gate of Hades. It's supposed to be their strongest product and it should scare you to death. This is what description says:
"Expect nightmares, near death experiences, and strong onset of fear."
And I don't except any less cause it costs $200.
I've read a lot of experiences on different forums and they all said they were really scared and some of them had even hallucinations. There are tons of reaction videos on youtube and all of them show pretty strong effects. This one is the most interesting:
reaction vid
I tried the mp3 version but it didn't work at all. When I played it in the actual program it was entirely different experience. I've also heard some sounds I don't remember hearing from mp3 version. So download the actual iDoser program (it's free) and get the dose files with drg extension. Interesting thing is that dose files are like only 100KB large.
Download iDoser for free (actual program + all dose files- 100% safe)
The sound is composed of two parts. The first half is supposed to made you relax and put it into trans. The second should make you really scared (which didn't really worked for me:(
It definitely does things to your body- very intense REM that won't stop even if you open your eyes made me shit brix for the first time. You will definitely experience it even if you don't concentrate on the sounds cause I was talking to my friend and laughing when it happened. I suggest you to put something over your eyes especially if you want to do it with lights on. Another thing that it definitely does is numb your body. Try to not move so much if you want paralysis effect.
I've tried it twice and here's how it went:
On the first try I wasn't concentrating much and I was talking a lot. I started to breath really heavy and my body was shaking, especially legs and I felt really cold. Also REM. I was excited that it's working, put the headphones away very early (only 19%) and I wanted it for my friend to try and do the real thing later. I was still shaking 20 minutes after the experience. I don't think that the first part is supposed to have that effect.
Then my friend did it and he wasn't shacking or anything. After 80% he threw away the headphones and said that everything was red (behind closed eyes) and he was spinning in some kind of spiral and was afraid he'll crash into something. He later regretted that he didn't go all the way.
The second time I was really concentrated and I didn't shake or felt cold this time. When the second half begun the noise was really loud and I though I won't be able to handle it but surprisingly, I got use to it after a minute. After 80% there's a fast vibration and you hear the exact metallic sound like when someone is plugged into the matrix. It was pretty damn cool. I don't remember hearing it on mp3 version. That was the part when my friend felt like he was in the spiral but I didn't experience anything similar. I finished it and I haven't really felt anything, not even in the end when it started to change a lot. Only thing that could be described as scary for me, was that little weird cracking sound coming from the right earphone somewhere near the end. I guess I wasn't scared because I was with my friend and I felt 100% safe. It would be probably very different if I did it alone. So I guess there is placebo effect to it but it definitely does something. Like what if I give you gate of hades and tell you that you're supposed to cum listening to this. It wouldn't work but I bet you'd get hard anyway. In gate, they put sounds that will make you uncomfortable but i's still up to you how will you take it.
random fact: when you hear yourself talking while listening to it, you sound like a robot
ppl say u gotta try more times,tried 2,nothing worked just my body twitching with the rythm of the sound waves but nothing to unusual.
i will try more times though,wanna experience it for rk
I tried the MP3 version...
I was half-asleep-or at least I think I was-but all I felt were my feet having this weird, numb, vibrating sensation in my feet.
But that was it.
Hmm. Perhaps I'll try the real one..
I just did the mp3 version, and I thought I was overcome by extreme evil. I felt cold and alone and something bad was about to happen. I saw fire and when the crackling first began I felt like I dissapered from exsistance. Towards the ened when it calms down I felt like crying but my eyes were all dried up. Had the shakes for about an hour after and felt like something evil was lurking around me everywhere I went.
freaked out... it blew me apart... I have the sensation that someone is watching me all the time... weird feeling... not for those who have a weak heart...
brilliant.... but also weird :|
This is really to i relax my self at our computer shop then i felt relaxation then i start spinning my head like i follow the sounds were it in then at the end i scream because the sound change and i really shaking and i felt hard to breath i dont want to play it again :(
It made me feel powerful. I had a renewed sense of purpose and felt energized all day. I lied to my parents about something and they totally bought it. Then I asked them for money and they gave it to me! I stared at the cat and concentrated until I made her walk on her hind legs. Then I went outside and flowers wilted as I walked past. Up to an hour later I was still able to make milk go sour just by thinking about it. With a little practice, I expect to be able to make my favourite Lady Gaga song song come on the radio whenever I think about it.
Oh, and one time I actually got satan to bring me a donut. This is really powerful stuff.
LOL To: Anonymous August 1, 2010 6:09 PM
You so funny. I believed you until the flowers part, but if your telling the truth then i got to do this stuff more often. :D
But seriously you guys it works. Its the scariest thing ever. I'd recommend doing it with a friend, because once you get into it, its hard to get out of. If i had to explain the feeling.. it would be as if your about to get shot and you KNOW your about to die.
Did a version on YouTube to begin with I felt a relaxing tingling feeling all through my body, then a screeching noise like someone in pain, a woman screaming perhaps came on and suddenly I felt this unbearable fear rush trough my gut and head, I threw my headphones off my head and jumped off my bed, my girlfriend was there trying to comfort me but I was shaking uncontrollably. The effects lasted from about 8 30 pm to around 10 pm it's something I wouldn't do twice but something everyone has to try once
Im thinking about trying this out, but I'm too scared. Should I?
I just tried it last night for the first time. When I lay there in bed, I had the whole numbness described happen. When the static breaks, there is a sound that starts and gets louder and louder. The onset of this sound made my lower intestines and stomach burn with a pins and needles effect that didn't tingle. At this point the sound got too loud and I got jumpy, ran over and closed my laptop lid to put it to sleep mode. However, I just tried it a second time, sitting in my chair. I didn't have the effects but I at least know what the sounds are. I will try again later on and get back to you. As far as I know though, a first couple of times you're on your guard, so just listen a few times during the day, then get back to it when you're comfortable enough with the sounds to let them take you where you need to go.
I might do this teaching a morning class, just to see what happens to my students when they fall asleep.
I did it today in my schools library, I felt cold, then I got chills, then I felt like there were bugs climbing up my skin, then I started shaking, then it fel like the ground was shaking, almost like a 2-3 magnitude earthquake, then I was twitching in my face hands and feet, then I felt like I was leaning to the right, and almost spinning, then the bell rang, and I didn't hear it, and my friends tried to "wake" me up and that didn't work, then there was a high pitched noise and I woke up.. I was shaking for about 2 hours, nobody told me ANY side affects of this, so, im not making this up. SCREW YOU RYAN FOR TELLING ME ABOUT IT(:
I did it at a friend's house, on their couch with the lights off.
At fist, I was nervous, with an intense amount of facial twitches. Before long I had trouble breathing, my teeth were clenched and I couldn't move any part of my body except for twitches. When the 22 min mark hit and it got to "the bad part", my back arched over on the couch and I started gasping for air, grunting, and screaming. What I saw and felt was a dragon/lizard like creature reaching into my skin and gripping my lungs with his claws. My friend had ran in and pulled the earphones out of the jack, and I fell limp for a moment, then started convulsing for a few minutes. Tried to stand and fell down. Continued to lightly twitch for hours after the experience.
No plans to do it again, but they want to record me on it again for youtube, lol.
I just felt numb when it was the constant beat and also seen frightening characters from horror movies like the girl from the ring trying to bite me but wasn't scared it made me less scared actually maybe because i faced my fears i don't really know
I did this with a friend, he went first and he listend to the point were he fell out of the bed screaming and regreating doing this. but he couldn't tell me what happend he said he didn't remember and that it was just there. When i did it i started to feel like i was just pushed around untill i fell of a ledge for thousands of feet then fell in to this crackling fire, then my friend woke me up because i was crying.... Scary stuff it really works...
I usually fall asleep during my iDoses. This was no exception. However, this is the only one that warped my dreams. I had the worst nightmare I've had in more than 5 years listening to this as I slept. It was an all over evil feeling nightmare.
i reckon its a load of bs
Then why dont you try it? ;)
Then why dont you try it? ;)
I tried the youtube version a couple times, but the only time anything happened was the last one, probably because I closed my eyes and didn't do anything. I felt like I was floating and that my feet (which were in reality both flat on the floor) were both at different weird angles. I'm gonna try it lying down soon.
It's actually depending on your mindset whether or not it'll work
At the end part after It calms down and it's just the high part oscillating up and down, I felt legitimately scared for my well being. I felt like there was an evil presence that was going to do me physical harm then. Also, from about 15 minutes in, I thought somebody was shaking the bed I was on, but in reality I was alone in the room.
I got a 69mb size version (Yep, I don‘t have 200$) off a site and tried it out just now. starting at 01:45 am. My guess is that these are gamma frequencies with some brown noise. To be honest I actually enjoyed it. The first part was quite interesting - not soothing but gets you in a transe-like state. After the raise in the pitch (15:00 in I think) I actually got a little stressed/nervous (And yes, I enjoyed the effect) but it got along with it. Now, the 22:00 mark - well, the crackling noise actually startled me, then the ear-destroying part came. I felt like I was being crushed by water or something heavy and my heartrate went sky high. A minute later I calmed down. My guess is that the last part has a fear inducing pitch and tone, because people are startled by loud, high-pitched noises. Right now I‘m in an alert state, but I‘m not scared to death. Overall, I think it has some potential and has some effects. I will check their other stuff (Trip, LSD, Hand of god) and I‘ll try the drg files. But if there is no way of playing the drgs on my Android phone, I‘m sticking to mp3s.
I got a 69mb size version (Yep, I don‘t have 200$) off a site and tried it out just now. starting at 01:45 am. My guess is that these are gamma frequencies with some brown noise. To be honest I actually enjoyed it. The first part was quite interesting - not soothing but gets you in a transe-like state. After the raise in the pitch (15:00 in I think) I actually got a little stressed/nervous (And yes, I enjoyed the effect) but it got along with it. Now, the 22:00 mark - well, the crackling noise actually startled me, then the ear-destroying part came. I felt like I was being crushed by water or something heavy and my heartrate went sky high. A minute later I calmed down. My guess is that the last part has a fear inducing pitch and tone, because people are startled by loud, high-pitched noises. Right now I‘m in an alert state, but I‘m not scared to death. Overall, I think it has some potential and has some effects. I will check their other stuff (Trip, LSD, Hand of god) and I‘ll try the drg files. But if there is no way of playing the drgs on my Android phone, I‘m sticking to mp3s.
In the beginning of the audio, I felt very happy and giggly for no reason, and then very relaxed. Once the louder part came on, that's when things started getting weird. I could've sworn I saw Satan and I saw a lot of other weird things.
I saw one where the older sister (I guess) told her younger brother to try it. They wrapped up his eyes. He was twitching and started to panic/cry. He tried to grab the headphones cord and then started to pray, making a cross on his heart. The whole time the sister was afraid and didn't know if she should stop it or whatever. I felt sorry for the kid. He was really crying and clinching his chest and fists. Seemed pretty intense.
Watz the worse thing that can happend wit this, because my friend tried it and he said he actually saw a gate wit a demon calling him over... Since we were playing it on his phone he got interrupted by a call and woke up almost crying because he said he saw a bright white light..... So can someone please tell me wats the worse thing that could happend... I heard u can actually get stuck in da dream???
This sounds sketchy as fuckin hell. I'm alone in my room deciding whether I should do it or not. Probably not healthy for your heart. Haha.
In response to: "This sounds sketchy as fuckin hell. I'm alone in my room deciding whether I should do it or not. Probably not healthy for your heart. Haha."
Lmaooooo. I feel the exact same way.
I was like, "What!? That's crazy... I mean like... Where would you find that? ... Let me YouTube it."
About to try this now.
I tried it, lying down, lights off, alone, headphones, loud, eyes closed, relaxed...and nothing really happened...first while was pretty relaxing, and then it went all screetchy and annoying, didn't freak me out, just was a bother to my ears...I want it to mess with me like you guys, but I feel like most of you are full of shit about it...
I tried this and I didn't get far I felt like I got shocked and I seen a bright white light. Honestly the most terrifying experience
just did gates of hades, i didnt experince nothing, but the reason is i am at work, and my headphones are shit, but he sounds are scary, especialy when it goes like crackling then loud, i was FtfO, but, didnt see, re, death, or whatever, i felt scared but, thats it, i"ll try again tonight alone, with good headphones
I yanked my earbuds out at thee 22 mark then I started to shake and cry.........I thought I was actually dying.
Hi there im interested inyour experiance. What was it like afterwards? Are you a female? I heardit works better on females
I've experimented with the MP3 version...most often while high on crystal math. The math enhances your sensations to begin with. Add to the mix poppers and a well fitting blindfold...the result has always been a complete, mind blowing, acid trip experience. Vivid colors, the sensation of floating outside my body...mostly positive.
Did this in my bio class sophomore year(no suprise i failed) and i felt every bit of twitching and movement and knew i was awake but couldnt move anything. at certain parts when my breathing was heavy, my shirt was constricting me. When the 22 part came, my body ignited and my shirt felt like it squeezed my guts out. I looked down and if anyone here has played infamous 2 i saw my heart just like the plaque and i watched my heart stop and i was just being constricted until 24:32 when my teacher banged on my table. i shot up out of my chair and got very cold and started shaking. for the next 3 days i just felt low.
I use aural entertainment like isochronic tones and binaurial beats on a daily basis to help me sleep, i guess i trained my mind to respond wel to inducing waves. I decided to try gate of hades tonight and i wil never do it again...i did not hallucin8 like somepeople, but at the 22 min mark I ripped the earphones out of my ears and just sat there with my eyes closed and my ears pressed tightly closed with my fist wierdest thing ever........i would recomend it to all sceptics.....
listened for 1 min and suddenly I saw Santa Claus!
I have listened to gates of hades about 5 times all together, but nothing would happen. Once i started to breath fast but then i slowed down after a few sec😞😑😟
My thoughts exactly
This shit works and i had random twitches and felt really cold and an evil presence whilst i did this in my dark room laying down at night!
I listened to it for a short time until I became paranoid, it felt like I was being stared at I took the buds out, sat there for a min, and gained my composure. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of soda when I reached for the already open cabnet, the cabnet shut on its own scaring the shit out of me I noped the hell out of there and went and told my brother.
ps. At the time I was 22 years old so im not some kid this really happend i just wonder if anyone else has had an experience like this call it supernatrual or telekinetic idk but it was weird.
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